You are here to learn HOW to activate your pelvic floor.

You know that you are worthy of jumping on the trampoline and laughing confidently with your friends.

Now it's time to strengthen your pelvic floor to make it happen!

Stephanie, yes! This is exactly what I needed! Thank you! Years ago you taught me how to zip up my pelvic floor and manage my back pain. I've since had a beautiful child and well... nothing is the same down there anymore and we don't live near each other anymore, so thank you for helping me get myy life and mobility back!

Ebony, Sunshine Coast, QLD.

Here's what you need

so that you can live your limitless life in dry jeans.

10 weeks of strengthening your pelvic floor

Your brain needs 4 weeks to find a new muscle, then it takes 4 weeks to strengthen it.

I throw in an extra week for good (great?) measure, because I want you to win.

This course is harder on your brain than your body because of all the learning about you, your own body and how you move.

This course will take you from 'yup, I can turn it on' to 'yes it's on, let's move and I will keep it on.

1:1 support with Steph

You might have questions along the way.

I promise that in the videos I never stop talking (my videographer even commented on this) but if you are like me, you want to make sure you are doing it right - because who has time to waste?

I respond within 24 hours via voice message.

I want you and your pelvic floor to win.

The best supplements to support your goals

I have been referred to as the Collagen Queen because there is a liquid gold taht I lovingly refer to as WD40 for your joints.

It is clinically shown to lubricate your body, slow the ageing process and stimulate collagen production.

Collagen is the basis of your joints. Hylauranic Acid is the WD40 of your lubrication.

Imagine if they were combined together in a patented formula that has clinical studies to give you more mobility...

Imagine if...

  • You could say a confident YES when your child asks you to join them on the trampoline
  • You could wear whatever you want, without worrying about leakage
  • You could make it through a walk without a 'trip' to the bushes
  • You feel confident coughing and laughing
  • You feel BLEEPING confident living your most fabulous and limitless life

These classes started from what seemed like nothing, and ended with me being able to keep up in a normal person's pilates class. You made it so easy! I've always had pain during class with the Hundreds exercise and told "no, you shouldn't feel it there" so thank you for teaching me about my own body so that I know what is supposed to be working and how to use my muscles correctly. Thank you more than you will ever know.

Sarah, Waterloo, Canada

Ready for all the details?

Stop waiting!

Let's not only find it, lets strengthen it so your pelvic floor is strong enough to do life with you.

You will get...

You get 2 videos from me every week over 8 weeks.

It's a 10 week course because towards the end, your body will want the adaption and recovery time.

  • In the first video I teach you a specific exercise and we discuss all modifications your body might need to consider.
  • The second video is a 5-15 minute class that (ideally!) you complete once or twice per day
  • All videos are bite sized so it is manageable and accessible, and your brain & pelvic floor start working together


Every video has progressions because I know that somedays your pelvic floor is going to feel invincible while other days its going to be tired and want to take it easy. I get it - that's life.

  • On the days when you feel like a rock star, go throug hthe progressions with ease
  • On the days your body needs a break, respect that and work with what you have.
  • Every day is not the same. Work to where you are that day.

the goal is...

I always want you to be in control.

  • There are ALWAYS progressions because I care so much more tht you are in control and eecuting the exercise correctly rather than "keeping up".
  • I want your brain and body to know how to adapt and respond to challenges, tilts, movements and shifts that might happen when you lift/ move / bend / twist / push / pull in your everyday life
  • This course is for the everyday person who wants their pelvic floor back

Once you get inside...


Limitless Precision

Step by Step instructions detailing how to do the exercises correctly

Limitless Knowledge

Over 20 years of my knowledge from teaching this to every body type

Limitless Personalisation

Tips and Tricks on how to work with your body on that day with your energy level

Limitless Expectation

My limitless energy that knows that you can do it too

Have you been listening to my internal dialogue? How on earth do you know my tricks for going out for a big night of cocktails with the girls or a big coughing fit in public? It's when you said "common isn't normal" that I realised enough was enough and I needed to prioritise myself and my body. Thank you for teaching me how to turn on my pelvic floor properly (I seriously thought I was doing it right all these years, turns out I wasn't) give me ways to make my pelvic floor stay active while I am trapped behind my desk all day, and then teach me how to strengthen so I can waer what I want.

And seriously, knowing how to use my own muscles to get a flat belly - THANKING YOU!

Gab, Brisbane, QLD

If you want to find your pelvic floor and strengthen it correctly - then this is what you are looking for.

The course starts from a very basic place and builds slowly on each exercise and with your strength. I want you to learn how to zip up your pelvic floor and move with everything all in the correct position.

If you are wanting your pelvic floor to come back to life an go into life with you, then this is the course you are looking for .

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I start anytime?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Am I rushed to finish?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

What happens if I don't understand?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

I've been told my pelvic floor is tight and weak, what does that mean?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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